Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Financial Freedom
As it appears that things will not get any better any time soon,due to layoffs,more and more small businesses have been birthed.Many people have decided to venture out and have discovered new passions in the process.Many people have decided to give self-employment a try after seeing nothing is exactly risk-free.Especially in this shaky economy.There is absolutely no substitute for knowledge especially in the area of finances.We live in a capitalistic society and and there are so many ways and methods to aquire "true" wealth.The traditional 9 to 5 lifestyle can seem so mundane and draining and even though we all have bills to pay.However,seeking financial freedom by means of controlling your own labor has shown to make a lot more people happier in the long run.Of course becoming financially free is a process in its self,but investing in tangible assets and decreasing liabilites can and will do wonders for you.Assets are money-generating commodities that put money in your pocket.Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket.Examples include,bills,expenses and payments on things that you own.In capitalism,the power relies in those who own and control the means of production.Most people are aware of the investing that you can do in the stock market,real estate etc.However,there are many other things that you can invest in too.I recently invested in a press machine to make shirts and started up a business that way.The main purpose of this article is to get the point accross that you can be happy and free by using you own creative imagination to generate cash flow to live off of.It requires diligence and faith,but it can be achieved.I recommend Robert kiyosaki's Financial book collection if you want to learn more about finances to heighten your financial IQ,but in the meantime,stay positive,form a plan and put money to the side outside of your budget and start investing in things that will make money for you and can free you up time wise.i guarantee this will make you more happier than that same old 9 to 5 job where taxes rob you and you cant stand the people you work with and your supervisor that you know you are more qualified than consistently gets on your nerves.Study Up!Im out!Peace!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
If you like quality,original and unique t-shirts with a positive message,be sure to check out PositiveImages360.com which specializes in affordable t-shirts for all ethnicities,ages and genders.PositiveImages360has something for everyone.
If you like quality ,original and unique t-shirts with a positive message,be sure to check out www.Positiveimages360.com. We specialize in providing affordable t-shirts for all ethnicities,ages and genders.PositiveImages360 has something for everyone!!!
What is God To You?
Some people choose to be Atheists,some agnostics,some very religious and others just spiritual beings but the concept of what exactly God is a complex topic that has been around forever.What is God to YOU?Why do people do good things?Why do people do bad things?Some people do good to avoid punishment of some sort,but what if you were able to do bad and get away with it.Is it God that still keeps you from commiting evil because of the Karma?Some people will say God is a man or a he.However,where does that leave the woman?Are our minds too limited to limit what God can actually be?In other words,who are we to define God in the first place?To me,God is the source of everything that I cannot do without such as air,water,food,the sun and nature.Everything comes from God and everything in the universe is interconnected.Respond back and let Sankofa know what you think about God and what you belief about God is.Im looking forward to hearing your responses.Peace!!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Whats up yall! Its springtime,the season thats notorious for allergies.I have looked into herbal remedies and detoxing my system in order to flush the toxins out of my system and to trigger whatever the cause may be.Itchy eyes,sneezing and nasal drip can be annoying.What are some natural herbal methods that yall have used in to deal with your seasonal allergies.Respond back to me let me know.Peace out fam.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Is Hip Hop Dead?
Peace yall.Im a true fan of music especially Hip-Hop.I have formulated my own opinions and stances on the topic of whether Hip Hop is dead or not,but this time I want to see what you guys out there think.If you do think the music genre as we know it called "Hip-Hop" is dead,what are some methods and strategies that you would suggest be implemented to resurrect such a powerful impactful music form.Lets see what you all out there have to say!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Frozen Sunshine
We have had a turbulent winter this year not just for the Maryland area,but numerous other places and regions too.With all of this snow falling from the sky numerous businesses have lost revenue in the fourth quarter of the year,a time where many businesses make most of their revenue.Some stayed in and enjoyed spending extra time with the family.Others sat impatiently waiting for the snow plows to barrel thier way through the clogged snowy white streets so they could rid themself of "cabin fever".Some caught up on alot of rest.A lesson that can be learned throughout this whole experience is that sometimes it is good to take break in the midst of our daily hustle and buslte to rebuild ourselves and relax.So often,the responsibilities that we have in our lives have us on the go so much to the point that we neglect ourselves .Our body doesn't get the sufficient amount of rest that it needs and our diets become that of a lesser nutritional quality.Our bodies end up breaking down.When you slow down,you can see things much clearer,the way they are.I've been rebuilding myself over these snowy times.What have you been doing?What have been your methods of rebuilding and rejuvinating your body ,mind and spirit?Comment back and let me and the Black Genius followers know.Much Love!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Peace to all.I dont know about yall,but one thing that I have been seeing alot of as of late has been this terrible epidemic of "saggin" that has started to be a normal practice especially for adolescent teenage African-American males.However.Saggin is not just limited to this specific group.You can find numerous adult African-American males and that engage in "saggin too.Other than these two groups,I sometimes see Caucasian teenage males emulate this style attempting to copy off of what they see form their black peers.First of all,I want to make it known that I am not attempting to bash or hate my African American brothas.It is out of love for yall as my brothers why I decided to make this article.Im aware that many of you are uninformed.Some of you have no positive male role models in your life and some of you just dont care .I just dont understand.What is it that you are trying to acheive or gain from wearing your pants below your butt?Do you think it makes you look cool or enhance your outfit in some kind of way?Some guys who sag wear belts and some dont.If you do wear a belt,what is the purpose of wearing one if you are going to have to continuously pull you pants up ?If you dont wear a belt,they are not expensive to purchase.I am aware that in the rap game now,many ,not all of these rappers wear saggin pants,but what identidy have you created for yourself.You have the ability to be able to define for yourself who you are and create yourself.You can be whatever you want to be.Saggin also speaks volumes about ones self respect.How do you have respect for yourself when you are showing your underwear nonchalantly to others.Before you demand respect from others,you must first respect yourself.Anything else is backwards.Some of you may have heard an others may not be aware,but saggin was used in the prisons as a way for homosexual men to let others know that they were available for homosexual acts.The point I am trying to make from all of this is be yourself and dont copy off of everything that you see and hear.Do the knowledge and dont scared to be original.Much love.Peace Out!!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Peace and Blessings to all.For those seeking to purchase fashionale Hip-Hop cutural apparel and Self-Help books for your own personal empowerment as well as your community,you can log onto PositiveImages360.com.On this site,you can choose from a wide variety of inspirational t-shirts all reflecting positive themes and concepts.There are shirts for all ethnicites,sizes and genders.Thanks for the Love. Peace!!!!
To Check out the online store click here:
To Check out the online store click here:
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Black Genius Youth Academy Article in Amadi Magazine

Shoutout to Jovan Bland,writer for Amadi magazine,for taking time out to feature our Black Genius in the November edition.To read the article,check out the link below.
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